Friday, April 15, 2011

liver cancer

Liver cancer or hepatic cancer is a cancer which starts in the liver, as opposed to a cancer which originates in another organ and migrates to the liver, known as liver metastesis. Liver is one of the largest organ in the body.

treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: liver transplantation, cryoablation, chemoembolization, radiotherapy, sorafenib, radiofrequency ablation.
treatment of cholagiocarcinoma : photodynamic therapy, brachytherapy,  radiotherapy, liver transplantation.
treatment of hepatoblastoma : chemotherapy, radiotherapy, liver transplantation, surgical resection.

lung cancer

Lung cancer originates from tissues of the lung, usually from the cells lining of the air passages. tobacco smoke is by far the most important and the main risk factors for lung cancer. Other risk factors for lung cancer include radon ( a radioaktive gas ), abestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, and air pollution.

Depending on the stage of lung cancer, the aim of treatment may be for cure, control of disease for prolongation of survival or management of symptoms and prevention of complications to improve quality of life.
surgery : involve the removal og tissues that contain cancer.
radiation : to kill  cancer cells.
chemotherapy : anti-cancer drugs to kill cancer cells.
targeted therapy : to block the growth and spread of cancer cells.
immunotherapy : by consumption 6 sachet immunocal per day.

breast cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. The size , stage, rate of growth and other characteristics of the cancer determine the kind of treatment. treatment may include surgery, drugs ( hormonal therapy and chemotherapy ) , radiation and immunotherapy.

Surgical removal of the cancer provides the singel largest benefit, with surgery alone being capable of producing a cure in many cases.
Chemotherapy are commonly given in addition to surgery. They kill cells that are dividing rapidly anywhere in the body.
radiation may added to kill any cancer cells in the breast / body that where missed by the surgery.
immunocal works to efectively increase the body's production of gluthatione, the body's master antioksidant that effect as anti-cancer product. Immunocal is the only one nutraceutical as anti-cancer.